Daily Commute

One Down


Wolf at the Door
A lone wolf sleeps outside Golymani weather station, the most Northerly habitation on the planet. The normally ferocious carnivore is used as an alarm to chase away polar bears should they approach the buildings and staff at the station. In this way, man and wolf co-exist to mutual advantage in this most inhospitable of climates.

Weather Station Golymani, Severnaya Zemlya

Fresh Frozen


Corner Shop, Norislk, Siberia, Russia

martin 26

Airport Road

Iglu 10

Dudinka Airport Terminal

Dudinka Airport Terminal

Pen Hadow and Simon Murray

Dudinka Airport Krasnoyarsk Eastern Siberia Russia
Dudinka Airport Krasnoyarsk Eastern Siberia Russia. This image is part of a series I shot while ‘marooned’ at Dudinka airport during a snow storm that lasted several days. Everyone working at the airport, pilots, staff, travellers, were all stranded unable to escape. It wasn’t long before food and drink ran out, and the only thing that was left on the shelves was dodgy bottled water, cheap vodka and small microwaveable meals that can only loosely be described as ‘food’. The kind of food that any self respecting and starving cat would have happily walked away from. The airport rapidly became a community of friendly strangers with nothing else in common except for the wish to leave. I was at the start of a huge adventure and this only added to it. Being a photographer trapped in an airport in this part of Siberia was golden opportunity before the expedition all the way across the Arctic Ocean from Russia to Canada started. I ventured outside several times to this point waiting for a single person to wander down the street. Two people wandered sometimes three or four, but I only wanted one person in the scene. I waited for hours over a few days outside freezing my bollocks off, whats left of them, for a lone person to wander. I could have asked one of my team mates to step into the frame but the authenticity and integrity of the image would have been lost. Finally it happened a man walked down the street hunkered down as far into his clothing as he could, and then dissapeared out of sight. I snapped only one frame as my wish to be back inside to be hungry and warm rather than hungry and cold had arrived.

Patriot Hills
abstract 21